0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  3 Artifacts Summary |
   3.1 Accommodation Type Observation |
   3.2 Ambient Temperature Observation |
   3.3 Anxiety Disorder Condition |
   3.4 AnxietyDisorder Observation |
   3.5 Ascites Observation |
   3.6 Body Mass Index Observation |
   3.7 Balance Disorder Condition |
   3.8 Blood Pressure Standing Observation |
   3.9 Blood Pressure Supine Observation |
   3.10 BlurryVisionObservation |
   3.11 Body Fat Observation |
   3.12 Body Height Observation |
   3.13 Body Mass Index Observation |
   3.14 Body Temperature Observation |
   3.15 Body Water Observation |
   3.16 Body Weight Observation |
   3.17 CardiacAuscultationObservation |
   3.18 Cardiovascular Disease Condition |
   3.19 Cardiovascular Disorder Condition |
   3.20 Cognitive Issue Observation |
   3.21 Cognitive Issue Condition |
   3.22 Coronary Artery Disease Condition |
   3.23 Coronary Artery Disease Observation |
   3.24 Depression Disorder Condition |
   3.25 DepressionDisorder Observation |
   3.26 Diabetes Condition |
   3.27 Diabetes Observation |
   3.28 Diet Observation |
   3.29 Diet Supplement Use Medication Statement |
   3.30 Difficulty Walking In The Darkness Observation |
   3.31 DisorientationObservation |
   3.32 Distance Walked Observation |
   3.33 Drinking Observation |
   3.34 DrunkenFeelingObservation |
   3.35 ECGAbnormalObservation |
   3.36 ECGFindingObservation |
   3.37 Ecg Finding Condition |
   3.38 EducationLevelObservation |
   3.39 Falls Observation |
   3.40 Family Hearing Loss Family Member History |
   3.41 FeelingFrustratedObservation |
   3.42 Gender Observation |
   3.43 HBA1CLevel |
   3.44 HDLCholesterolLevel |
   3.45 HF with normal ejection Disorder Condition |
   3.46 Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Disorder Condition |
   3.47 Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction Disorder Condition |
   3.48 Hearing Aid Usage Program Device Use Statement |
   3.49 Hearing Aid Usage Time Device Use Statement |
   3.50 Hearing Loss Condition |
   3.51 Hearing Loss Observation |
   3.52 HeartAuscultationObservation |
   3.53 Heart Rate Observation |
   3.54 Hepatosplenomegaly Condition |
   3.55 Hepatosplenomegaly Observation |
   3.56 History Of Cerebrovascular accident Observation |
   3.57 History Of Substance Abuse Observation |
   3.58 Household Composition Observation |
   3.59 Hypertensive Disorder Condition |
   3.60 LDLCholesterolLevel |
   3.61 Lean Body Mass Observation |
   3.62 Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Condition |
   3.63 Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Observation |
   3.64 LightHeadednessObservation |
   3.65 Medication Record |
   3.66 Medication Statement Records |
   3.67 Muscle Mass Observation |
   3.68 NauseaObservation |
   3.69 Noise Exposure History Observation |
   3.70 Non Scheduled Visits Due To Volume Overload Observation |
   3.71 Does Not Use Hearing Aid Observation |
   3.72 Other Medical History Observation |
   3.73 Otoscopy Observation |
   3.74 Oxygen Saturation Observation |
   3.75 PR Interval Observation |
   3.76 PatientLivingSituationObservation |
   3.77 PeripheralPulse |
   3.78 Protein Catabolic Rate Observation |
   3.79 Psychoactive Medication Statement |
   3.80 Pure Tone Audiometry Observation |
   3.81 QRS Condition |
   3.82 QRSIntervalObservation |
   3.83 QRSObservation |
   3.84 QTc Interval Observation |
   3.85 Romberg Test Observation |
   3.86 Salt Intake Observation |
   3.87 SearchParameter Ecounter |
   3.88 Skeletal Muscle Mass Observation |
   3.89 Sleep Disorder Condition |
   3.90 Sleep Disorder Observation |
   3.91 Sleep Duration Observation |
   3.92 Smart Bear Patient |
   3.93 ResearchSubject for smart bear |
   3.94 Smoker Status Observation |
   3.95 Smoking Observation |
   3.96 Stairs At Home Observation |
   3.97 Steps Observation |
   3.98 TendencyToFallObservation |
   3.99 Timed up and go mobility test Observation |
   3.100 Tympanometry Observation |
   3.101 Use Hearing Aid Observation |
   3.102 Visceral Fat Observation |
   3.103 Visits ER Due To HTN Observation |
   3.104 Waist Circumference Observation |
   3.105 Weight Loss Observation |
   3.106 Ethnic Group |
   3.107 FamilyMemberHistory Encounter |
   3.108 Frequency Unit |
   3.109 App submission date |
   3.110 SourceReferral |
   3.111 ATC Value Set |
   3.112 Balance Disorder Value Set |
   3.113 Blood Pressure Value Set |
   3.114 Blood Pressure Value Set |
   3.115 Body Site Value Set |
   3.116 Cardiac Value Set |
   3.117 Clinical Status of Condition Value Set |
   3.118 Verification Status of Condition Value Set |
   3.119 Condition Category Value Set |
   3.120 HL7 Current Smoking Status Value Set |
   3.121 Coronary Disease Value Set |
   3.122 Dosage Value Set |
   3.123 Dosage direction Value Set |
   3.124 Diabetes VS |
   3.125 Diet Supplement Use Value Set |
   3.126 ECG Condition VS |
   3.127 ECG Observation VS |
   3.128 Education Level VS |
   3.129 Ethnic Groups Value Set |
   3.130 Gender Identity Value Set |
   3.131 Household Composition Value Set |
   3.132 HeartRate Value Set |
   3.133 LOINC Value Set |
   3.134 LivingArrangemen Value Set |
   3.135 Accomodation Type Velue Set |
   3.136 Living Situation Value Set |
   3.137 Observation Category Value Set |
   3.138 Peripheral Pulse VS |
   3.139 QRS Condition VS |
   3.140 QRS Observation VS |
   3.141 Referral Value Set |
   3.142 Role of Family Member History relationship Velue Set |
   3.143 SNOMED CT Value Set |
   3.144 body site for blood pressure Observations |
   3.145 Salt IntakeVS |
   3.146 Sleep Value Set |
   3.147 UCUM Value Set |
   3.148 PostCoordinatedSnomed Code System |
   3.149 SourceReferral Code System |
   3.150 1231233o4343 |
   3.151 AccomodationType001 |
   3.152 AmbientTemperature001 |
   3.153 AmbientTemperatureUnknown |
   3.154 AnxietyDisorder001 |
   3.155 AnxietyDisorderNegative |
   3.156 AscitesObservationNoAscites |
   3.157 Aspirin001 |
   3.158 BalanceDisorder001 |
   3.159 BalanceDisorder002 |
   3.160 BalanceDisorderBalanceNormal |
   3.161 BloodPressureStanding001 |
   3.162 BloodPressureSupine001 |
   3.163 BlurryVisionObservation001 |
   3.164 BlurryVisionObservationNegative |
   3.165 BodyBMI001 |
   3.166 BodyBMIUnknown |
   3.167 BodyFat001 |
   3.168 BodyFatUnknown |
   3.169 BodyHeight001 |
   3.170 BodyHeightUnknown |
   3.171 BodyMassIndex001 |
   3.172 BodyMassIndexUnknown |
   3.173 BodyTemperature001 |
   3.174 BodyTemperatureUnknown |
   3.175 BodyWater001 |
   3.176 BodyWaterUnknown |
   3.177 BodyWeight001 |
   3.178 BodyWeightUnknown |
   3.179 BundleGet001 |
   3.180 BundlePost001 |
   3.181 CardiacAuscultationObservation001 |
   3.182 CardiacAuscultationObservation002 |
   3.183 CardiovascularDisease001 |
   3.184 CardiovascularDisorder001 |
   3.185 CerebrovascularAccident001 |
   3.186 CerebrovascularAccidentNegative |
   3.187 CognitiveIssue001 |
   3.188 CognitiveIssue002 |
   3.189 CoronaryArteryDisease001 |
   3.190 CoronaryArteryDisease002 |
   3.191 CoronaryArteryDiseaseAbsent |
   3.192 DepressionDisorder001 |
   3.193 DepressionDisorder002 |
   3.194 DiabetesDisorder001 |
   3.195 DiabetesObservationNegative |
   3.196 DietSupplementUse001 |
   3.197 DietSupplementUse002 |
   3.198 DifficultyWalkingInTheDarknessObservation001 |
   3.199 DifficultyWalkingInTheDarknessObservationNegative |
   3.200 DisorientationObservation001 |
   3.201 DisorientationObservationNegative |
   3.202 DistanceWalked001 |
   3.203 DistanceWalkedUnknown |
   3.204 Drink001 |
   3.205 DrinkObservationUnknown |
   3.206 DrunkenFeelingObservation001 |
   3.207 DrunkenFeelingObservationNegative |
   3.208 ECGAbnormalObservation001 |
   3.209 ECGAbnormalObservationUnknown |
   3.210 ECGFindingObservation001 |
   3.211 EcgFindingCondition001 |
   3.212 EducationLevel001 |
   3.213 Enc001 |
   3.214 Falls001 |
   3.215 FallsUnknown |
   3.216 FamilyHearingLossFamilyMemberHistory001 |
   3.217 FeelingFrustratedObservation001 |
   3.218 FeelingFrustratedObservationNegative |
   3.219 Gender001 |
   3.220 HBA1CLevelObservation001 |
   3.221 HBA1CLevelObservation002 |
   3.222 HBA1CLevelObservationUnknown |
   3.223 HDLCholesterolLevelObservation001 |
   3.224 HDLCholesterolLevelObservationUnknown |
   3.225 HFNormalDisorder001 |
   3.226 HFPreservedDisorder002 |
   3.227 HFReducedDisorder001 |
   3.228 HearingAidUsageProgram001 |
   3.229 HearingAidUsageTime001 |
   3.230 HearingLoss001 |
   3.231 HearingLoss002 |
   3.232 HeartAuscultationObservation001 |
   3.233 HeartAuscultationObservationNegative |
   3.234 HeartRate001 |
   3.235 HeartRate002 |
   3.236 HeartRate003 |
   3.237 HeartRateUnknown |
   3.238 Hepatosplenomegaly001 |
   3.239 HepatosplenomegalyObservationNegative002 |
   3.240 HistoryOfSubstanceAbuseObservation001 |
   3.241 HistoryOfSubstanceAbuseObservationNegative |
   3.242 HouseholdComposition001 |
   3.243 HypertensiveDisorder001 |
   3.244 LDLCholesterolLevelObservation001 |
   3.245 LDLCholesterolLevelObservationUnknown |
   3.246 LeanBodyMass001 |
   3.247 LeanBodyMassUnknown |
   3.248 LeftVentricularHypertrophyCondition001 |
   3.249 LeftVentricularHypertrophyObservation002 |
   3.250 LightHeadednessObservation001 |
   3.251 LightHeadednessObservationNegative |
   3.252 MedicationNoKnown |
   3.253 MedicationRecord001 |
   3.254 MedicationStatementRecords001 |
    3.254.1 Medication |
   3.255 MedicationStatementRecords003 |
    3.255.1 Medication |
   3.256 MedicationStatementRecords004 |
    3.256.1 Medication |
   3.257 MedicationStatementRecordsNoKnow |
    3.257.1 Medication |
   3.258 MuscleMass001 |
   3.259 MuscleMassUnknown |
   3.260 NOTUseHearingAid001 |
   3.261 NauseaObservation001 |
   3.262 NauseaObservationNegative |
   3.263 NoiseExposureHistory001 |
   3.264 NoiseExposureHistoryUnknown |
   3.265 NonScheduledVisitsDueToVolumeOverload001 |
   3.266 NotUseHearingAid002 |
   3.267 OtherMedicalHistory001 |
   3.268 Otoscopy001 |
   3.269 OxygenSaturation001 |
   3.270 OxygenSaturationUnknown |
   3.271 PRInterval001 |
   3.272 PRIntervalUnknown |
   3.273 Patient001 |
   3.274 PatientLivingSituation001 |
   3.275 PeripheralPulseObservation001 |
   3.276 PeripheralPulseObservation002 |
   3.277 PeripheralPulseObservationUnknown |
   3.278 ProteinCatabolicRate001 |
   3.279 ProteinCatabolicRateUnknown |
   3.280 Psychoactive001 |
   3.281 PureToneAudiometry001 |
   3.282 PureToneAudiometryUnknown |
   3.283 QRSCondition001 |
   3.284 QRSIntervalObservation001 |
   3.285 QRSIntervalObservationUnknown |
   3.286 QRSObservation001 |
   3.287 QTcInterval001 |
   3.288 QTcIntervalUnknown |
   3.289 ResearchStudy001 |
   3.290 RombergTestAnormal |
   3.291 RombergTestNormal |
   3.292 SaltIntake001 |
   3.293 SaltIntakeUnknown |
   3.294 SearchParameter001 |
   3.295 SkeletalMuscleMass001 |
   3.296 SkeletalMuscleMassUnknown |
   3.297 SleepDeepDurationUnknown |
   3.298 SleepDisorder001 |
   3.299 SleepDisorder002 |
   3.300 SleepDisorderNegative |
   3.301 SleepDuration001 |
   3.302 SleepDuration003 |
   3.303 SleepDuration005 |
   3.304 SleepDurationUnknown |
   3.305 SleepLightDurationUnknown |
   3.306 SmartBearResearchSubject001 |
   3.307 SmokerStatus001 |
   3.308 SmokerStatus002 |
   3.309 SmokerStatus003 |
   3.310 Smoking001 |
   3.311 SmokingUnknown |
   3.312 StairsInHome001 |
   3.313 StairsInHomeUnknown |
   3.314 Steps001 |
   3.315 StepsUnknown |
   3.316 TendencyToFallObservation001 |
   3.317 TendencyToFallObservationNegative |
   3.318 TimedMobilityTest001 |
   3.319 TimedMobilityTestNormal |
   3.320 Tympanometry001 |
   3.321 UseHearingAid001 |
   3.322 VisceralFatObservation001 |
   3.323 VisceralFatObservationUnknown |
   3.324 VisitsErDueToHTN001 |
   3.325 WaistCircumference001 |
   3.326 WaistCircumferenceUnknown |
   3.327 WeightLoss001 |
   3.328 WeightLossUnknown |
   3.329 Xanax001 |